Before It's Too Late!
Uncover the SUBCONSCIOUS beliefs that have you exhausted, steeped in negativity and stuck in a never ending cycle of self-sabotage and procrastination.
The Zero Burnout Business Growth Workshop
In this workshop you're getting insight into what I’ve learned over more than 20 years in business about the neuroscience of success, as well as the methods to overcome burnout or avoid it altogether that I've developed and refined with my clients over the years.
This will save you so much heartache and time and help you avoid all the painful mistakes even the best high achieving entrepreneurs make along the way.
- Biljana K
Hi, I'm Melanie,
I remember what it felt like when I burned out completely in 2017.
I had a highly successful career as an international sales team leader, a speaker, trainer, … a leader of leaders… and then BAM! I literally lost my mind and was forced to quit my business to regain my health.
Within a year I had risen from the ashes of burnout and established myself as The Entrepreneur’s Hypnotherapist and Certified Master Trainer of Hypnosis, dedicated to helping others avoid the harrowing experience of full on burnout.
Since then, I have worked as a hypnotist with more than 500 people, and my clients often report earning twice as much, with half the work!
I am passionate about helping entrepreneurs overcome the self sabotage that creates a glass ceiling on their income, and ultimately results in burnout and business failure for more than 65% of businesses.
I support entrepreneurs that desire to make an impact to succeed so that they are powerfully available to serve the people who so desperately need their services!
Accelerate Entrepreneur Growth, without Burnout!
The Zero Burnout Business Growth Workshop is available right NOW for instant access. PLUS: We have some special BONUS training for you following the workshop!
You can watch the training online 24/7. Also, we'll send you a reminder with a link to the training. Email is your friend. 😎
Perhaps you've seen and even taken some other workshops or courses on money mindset for entrepreneurs - and perhaps haven't gotten the results you had hoped for.
That's because other workshops don't focus on the only way to truly change at the core of your being, nor do they teach you how to master your subconscious mind so that you can live an EPIC life.
Furthermore, most workshops only tell you the “what” and the “why…” no one ever teaches the “how” because they’re afraid you’ll go off and try to do it yourself.
I’m a Certified Master Trainer of Hypnosis, and I expect you to go off and do this, all by yourself!
On top of that, most other workshops and courses will teach you how to replicate what worked for THEM instead of something that is based on your unique genius, strengths, personality, vision and level of experience...
My goal is to make this free workshop more valuable than the last three courses you bought combined!